Saturday, February 12, 2005

Mr. Hawk

Mateo and I live in a ramshackly, drafty, 80 year old house with nothing but a foresty hill behind it. In the winter, when the leaves clear, we have quite a view:

and so does Mr. Hawk. He's been hanging out at our house looking feathery and vaguely murderous for several days.

Bear in mind that our backyard is like fucking Wild Kingdom. Racoons, squirrels, graundhogs, even freaking deer skulk around back there. And Mr. Hawk looks like could cary off any one of them. Especially the deer. He's on mammal patrol, bitches. So get ready.
Random Fruit Fact: The Nectarine

"The nectarine is a close relative of the peach, without the fuzz. Many people prefer them for this reason. There are several varieties, both clingstone and freestone that vary in color from half red to full red to maroon. The color does not indicate the degree of ripeness, just the variety. Nectarines are not usually peeled, so the color adds to their appeal. "

Lean more about the nectarine's 67 magnificent calories, here.

Posted by Spurious Nurse at 2/12/2005 10:42:00 PM


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