Agenda - OR - Why I'm Losing My Mind
-Last day of work.
-More packing, with drunken packing in the evening for extra flava.
-Even more packing, preferrably in sweltering heat so I can have sexy-packing-glow.
-Drown in boxes, packity-pack-pack.
-Enter state of high freak out.
-Leave on a jetplane.
-Start new job.
Sweet Zombie Jeebus...
Posted by Spurious Nurse at 8/19/2005 12:27:00 PM
Hey, at least there will be flava.
You will do great. No worries.
Sending good vibes to you.
Go easy on the sexy-packing-glow, or Mateo will be too distracted from the packing.
Good vibes to you...I am having angst attacks for you!
Packing is the bain of my exsistance!
...don't know when I'll be back again...have fun & take a breather somewhere in there!
Hang in there, Plummie! Good luck! All will be well. Really!
Oh, my. Not even a day to just chill. And veg. Or fruit. Oh, my. Be gentle with yourself, get your rest. Happy trails, Plumilicious.
Wow. No breaks, just hop on and keep on. Hopefully the following weekend will be restful.
good luck, have fun, and drink margaritas!
also, sweet zombie jesus is now officially my favorite phrase EVER.
happy happy happy
Moving sucks, but you're going somewhere that you really want to be. Hope you get a break sometime in there.
Here, sweetie. I found your lost mind over at my place, wandering around amidst the party debris. Thought you might need it. Hang on to that thing, girl.
I hope the packing is going swimmingly. (I mean I hope it's going really well; I've just never used that word before and thought I'd give it a try.)
SFG - There's ALWAYS flava. It's NECESSARY.
Ladybug - C'mon, a little distraction could be a good thing...
Weetzie - Thanks, I'll need it. I'm havign anxiety attacks for myself, too.
Holy Schmidt - Packing is the bane of everyone's existence. It's our fate as a species. Do you see any of the other primate's packing? Nooooo. Maybe we need to rethink that whole "we're more evolved" thing...Maybe?
Sillynessa- I'll can breathe when I'm dead. Wait...that won't work...
CK- Thanks! The encouragement I've gotten from all of you really're great!
Susie and Lawbrat- I figure if I have more than 5 minutes at my disposal, I'll have a nervous breakdown. So I'll be keeping busy. Yes, ma'am.
MRTL- Good Mexican, you say??? Wait, can I leave a day early? I swear, I'm getting a burrito and a big ass horchata as soon as I get off the plane. And I'll of course think of mighty MRTL as I mad round the land...
Kilowatthour- I can't take credit for that. I actually ripped off 'Sweet Zombie Jesus' from Futurama. But it's also just plain fun to say out loud. Try it. Glorious, no? Just like margaritas...mmm, margaritas...
Kassi- Thank you, you're so sweet! I'm happy too!
Squirl- I'll just feel better when I get there. I'll have family and friends, and that's really all a body needs. Well. That, and craploads of Mexican food.
Susie- Nice use of the word swimmingly! Thanks for finding my brain...I was wondering where I'd left that pesky thing...It does love party debris, so I'm not really surprised.
Even more fun... unpacking the drunken packed boxes and saying "what the?"
Awww...Plum, you poor thing. Take it one day at a time.
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