I Am The Captain of the Queen's Navy...& I'm Hardly Ever Sick At Sea, Dammit.
I'm plum tuckered out, people.
The past few weeks have passed in a blur of drinking, chemistry, drinking, weddings, drinking, birthdays and drinking. If you notice a common thread through the following sentence, it's because you're an alcoholic too. Embrace it. Come on over, I'll fix you a Singapore Sling.
Mateo and I have had more social obligations than you can shake the proverbial stick at. Obligations have recently included, but are not limited to:
-A beautiful wedding for our friends Suzy Q and Mr. Hornsbeeeeez. They're one of those couples you just know will be just fine for the rest of their lives. I got drunk.
-A night out on the town with Free-Like-A-Child-Mike for his birthday. I got drunk.
-A giant Mexican birthday party with piƱatas, an inflatable bouncy-bounce thing for the kids, and a crapload of homemade food made by abuelitas. I drank there too.
-Had my 30th birthday. Got drunk then, also.
I'm not sure if it's the "I'm 30" part, or the "I'm drinking more in a month than I did in my last year of college" part (which is a lie anyway since I could drink every pirate in the Carribean under the table during my last year of college). But I'm just pooped.
Energy tips anyone? And no, I'm not taking 'trucker speed'.
Random Fruit Fact: The Feijoa
"The flesh inside is cream-colored and encases a jelly-like center. The texture is gritty, close to that of a pear. The flesh tastes like a combination of several other fruits, usually described as pineapple, guava, and strawberry. Some people report a taste similar to that of a quince or lemon. "
Um. These people sound confused. So am I. Hand me another margarita, and learn more about the Feijoa, here.
Posted by Spurious Nurse at 10/04/2005 10:39:00 AM 36 comments